DIY Cork Board

A while back I pinned a project on Pinterest of a hanging board to display race tags from various running events. My sister has recently taken up running and has already run a few 5km races. I’m so proud of her and wanted her to have a nice way to display her accomplishments.

The race tag plaque that I was looking at was very simple, but I was looking to do something pretty and include an inspirational quote.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao-Tzu

Paint an inspirational quote and use as your visual vision board, display your accomplishments or just have a place to hang pictures.

Skill Level:

Intermediate art skills for painting fine details in the lettering. All handiwork is simple and the folks at the hardware store can help too.

Time involved:

Painting – 2 hours
Dry time – 8 hours
Assembling – 15 mins


– wood piece for plaque/mounting piece of cork board (cut this yourself if you are able or take to your local hardware store and they can cut to size for you)
– sandpaper
– pencil
– masking tape
– craft paint
– fine paint brush
– urethane paint for dealing and protection
– foam roller
– small paint tray
– piece of cork (I got two 12″x12″ pieces for $1 at the dollar store. I only used one)
– caulking and caulking gun
– pins

How to:

1. Take your piece of wood cut to size and sand it down including the edges.
2. Choose your quote. Using a pencil, lay out the quote on your wood. I used masking tape to make straight lines to make sure my lettering was straight. I looked at a font type online and mimicked it, but free handed my lettering. It’s not perfect, but I didn’t have a stencil to use. You can of course use a stencil or vinyl lettering to put words on the wood.
3. Once you are happy with the way your quote is laid out, use craft paint and a fine paint brush to paint quote on wood.
4. Let the paint dry, then using your foam roller, tray and polyurethane, apply two light coats over the whole piece. Allow time to dry between coats.
5. When fully dry, take cork and mount to your wood using caulking to hold it in place. For mine, I wanted the cork board to be thick so I cut the cork to the size I wanted and doubled it up using the caulk to also adhere the two pieces of cork together.

This could be modified to be a larger cork board but my intention was for this to be used to display my sister’s running accomplishments. So the inspirational quote compliments this. But of course you could personalize however you wish.

Made beautifully by Leanne